środa, 27 maja 2009

Traded Endowment In Asia - Singapore Tokyo

Have you ever endowed in an Endowment Policy in Singapore?

If you have, you strength realize that for talent policies, during the first 10 eld of the policy, there strength be zero returns as the cash value of the contract strength be less than the premiums you paid.

Most of the returns of an talent contract are derived at the tail end of the policies.

Investing in Traded Endowment Policy (TEP) is purchase valuable time!

If you crapper invest in a 30-year Endowment contract on the 22nd year, with remaining 8 eld to maturity, you are investing in a contract that has been in force for 22 eld with cash value built up over the years; you are effectively purchase valuable investment time.

You have just managed to skip the initial eld of an talent contract and invest directly into an talent contract which has surpassed break-even saucer and derive the maximum benefits at the tail end of the policies.

The yearly bonuses declared by the shelter company module provide steady growth for the remaining term of your policy; patch at maturity, you module receive a final maturity (terminal) incentive that is usually substantially larger than the annual bonuses.

When you invest in Traded Endowment Policies (TEPs), you are actually “buying time” as you’re purchase over existing with-profits talent policies which were sold by the original policyholders before the maturity date, for reasons that may include debt clearance, re-mortgaging, cash requirements, and more.
Instead of waiting 30 eld for an talent contract to mature, you crapper choose to invest in TEPs with as short as 3 eld to maturity!

Full Ownership

As a TEP investor, the contract module be legally appointed to you, making you the rightful someone of the policy. As the new contract owner, you module be full entitled to the sum assured plus the attaching bonus, and every future bonuses and contract benefits. You may choose to reassign, surrender, sell or \"will\" the contract at any time.

No Health or Age Requirement

Anyone above 21 crapper invest in TEPs regardless of health conditions.

for more financialinfo see:
Cost Segregation Audit Techniques Guide
or Endowment Policy

wtorek, 19 maja 2009

lowest mortgage rate

I think it is safe to confirm that we are now in a major refinance boom. We’ve had a few mini booms over the last year, but these were occasions when the rates dropped to a low point, but the low rates only lasted for a short time, in some cases a matter of hours. This boom looks different, much more like the refinance craze in 2003 when rates dropped to a level where nearly anyone who had a mortgage would benefit by refinancing. Mortgage rates are at historic lows, and anyone who can qualify is likely to benefit. But with all this volume coming in to an industry that has been feverishly downsizing over the last year, there are bound to be some problems. While it is great to get the lowest interest rate, it won’t help you if you are not able to close on time, or if you can’t close under the terms you agreed on.
See also a bit on Endowment Policy and Cost Segregation Audit

The thing to remember at this time is that standards are back and now higher than ever with mediocre interest rates. Lenders are no longer lending money on stated income and poor or even good credit scores are not under to qualify under most lending criteria. That means that the first step in the borrowing process is making sure your credit report is squeaky clean and your credit score is a minimum of 680 and preferrably 720. You can get a credit report for at freecreditreport.com or annualcreditreport.com for approximately $16.00.

Eventually the bailout will go back through the house and ultimately it will be passed. It may not be in it’s entire original form or be any where near $600 Billion dollars but a traunch of the bill will be approved to tampen down the fears of wallstreet. Consumer confidence must be strengthened to ensure mass panic doesn’t insue and employment tumbles. The big bailout won’t prevent recession, according to many economists, so consumers who don’t have emergency funds and worry about their job security should think thrice before taking on new obligations. so when does a home equity or new loan make sense? A new loan makes a lot of sense for someone seeking to refinance a bad loan, buy their first house at a nice price, or get that fuel-efficient car they’ve been planning on for a while. And though interest rates have moved up slightly during the recent tumultuous weeks in the market, today’s rates may seem low compared to what they are predictted to look like in the future. Most economists are predicting interest rates to gradually start climbing and possible hitting a pinnacle in 24 months at an estimated 7% or higher.

piątek, 15 maja 2009

Traded endowments

What is a Traded Endowment Policy?

The vast majority of policyholders do not maintain the policy to the maturity date, usually 25 years from commencement. Often the policy is surrendered to the insurance company who quote a value significantly lower than an investor would pay, others are traded on the open market as second hand endowment policies.

Endowment Policy Surrenderis also an popular option.

These "Traded Endowment Policies" can offer attractive returns with a substantial guaranteed element. The purchase price is often lower than this guaranteed element so there is no risk of loss of capital assuming the premiums are paid to maturity. These policies are legally assigned to the new owner who continues to pay the premiums

At maturity or on the death of the original life assured all the benefits of the policy are paid to the new owner. Should the owner wish to redeem the policy before maturity they can surrender it to the life office or sell it back to the A1 Policy Shop Ltd on preferential terms. The new owners must be aware that if they surrender the policy to the life company their value can be much lower than the original purchase price.

The Maturity Value is calculated using the latest bonus rates and projecting this forward to maturity, the sale price is based on the endowment policy Calculated Maturity Value discounted back to today having taken the future premiums into account. Should these bonus rates change then the Calculated Maturity Value will go either up or down.

What happens if bonus rates change?

Below is a Sensitivity Table to show the affect on the investment return (%) following a change to the bonus rates. This assumes that the new bonus rate remains in force until maturity.